Monday, June 9, 2008

The Inconvenient Sibling

Sometimes, as if having an irritating elder brother is not enough; he has to be super insecure and more so likes to show that he's in charge.

He has to own a big car. Even if it means he's gonna pay a whole lot more petrol money.

He gets to keep the room and the comp that used to belong to the family.

He gets aways when he tough talk in the beginning but chickened out in the end.

and the worse of all, he had to INSTALL a bloody firewall in the server that we used for internet at home that filters most of the page i visits.

Ok it's not porn. But this got to be one helluva firewall; friendsters was banned and labelled as PORN... =.=" ...

Onemanga was labelled as portugese porn.. =.="""""

Even crunchyroll was labelled as inappropriate...

Siblings rivalry? This is pretty much one-sided.

My life had just turned into a living hell.

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