Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Changes and checkers..

the very fact of being in the past irks me.

as we all know, nobody is free of mistakes. Even god. I'm no atheist although i think you can assume i am one with this entry of mine.

some of you might know, my past isn't exactly the most colorful one. This might come as a serious surprise to you both new and old readers. There's things i tell to everyone but not in details, while the details are usually kept for good and close friends.

i am always miserable. not the drama queen type but yeah. The thing i know about being miserable is that you'll never be able to see the good side of things that well. Talk about being an optimist.

people do say that aquarians are particularly peculiar. I disagree. it's not the fact that i am an aquarian , mr Holmes. . =.= "

but then again as what House would say, "People don't change".

Would you suggest that he is right?

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