Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Be yet wiser

Knowing the "me" now, one could never imagine how i'd look like back then. I couldn't find any pictures but, things were clearly on a whole different scale back then.

I for one, hates to lose. I was a sore loser. And from a not so good background; without proper English fluency; I was an outcast. Even among the chinese kids. I couldn't even properly communicate with them. If you must know, i was the only chinese back then in my primary school. I 'd spend most of my time in the library. Reading books by Isaac Asimov , Enid Blyton, The Hardy Boys series and more.

So you can guess how'd i looked like.

Then this geek entered a premier school.."Victoria Institution". Which in my opinion, is still the best high school there is. It was not the Golden Age of the school, but we were clearly still shining . I joined clubs just so that i could mix in even though communicating remains a problem. Inspiration come pouring from spirited looking seniors; loud-snobbish-prefects and students among me that seemed to own the classroom.

Those words, mottos and principles still stays in my head, a reminder of days before and days ahead. PODIUS(Punctual , Obey, Dedication, Initiative, Unity ,Suggestions), the school song, and "Be yet wiser".

Give a wise man instructions and he'll be yet wiser. These words really did mold me into a scholar, sportsman and gentleman. I am grateful that i entered such prestigious school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. no wonder ken is so proud of his school XD