Friday, March 7, 2008

the view from the other side of the moon

it has been 3 months and 21 days since. The week before, i had a feeling that something is happening. She won't return my calls, not even messages, she kept saying she was busy and never even called me a single time in that week..

then one fateful day, i've decided to call her. After a long dialing tone, she picked up. I said hey , how are you doing? she replied in the most reluctant way i've ever heard saying she's sick and what is it that i want to talk about. i asked her why hasn't she returned my call or my messages. After a turn of dilly- dallying, she said i was being inconsiderate to be asking that when she's sick. Then conversation ended pretty much after that.

A few hours later, i decided to go out and shop for some groceries. A sudden thought of kindness brought me into the bakery nearby. I remembered she likes those funny looking breads from this bakery. Promptly i heads to her place thinking that i could surprise with the breads. Somehow i had a weird feeling that this is gonna be the last time i'll be seeing her.

Reaching her place, i gave her a call. Again with the agitated sound she asked me what's up. I asked, are you hungry? Before she could reply i said i'm outside your house with the funny looking bread that you like. Her tone immediately changed and she immediately asked me to come up. In her place, everything that left me feeling comfortable the very last time i was there are now giving me the idea that i'm not invited.

after a few short conversation, she finally said, she can't keep meeting me anymore. That one sentence immediately broke my heart into pieces again. The pieces i spend so much time picking up and putting them back together. At that very moment, i finally realize why was it that i can't forget her. Why did i spend so much time forgetting the very thing that i intended to forget in the first place. It came to me in the form of enlightenment. I was in love with her memories.

this entry has been altered in a few ways to protect my privacy. However, my very feeling on the things that had happened was clearly portrayed. I am finally over you. Please do not call me again. I hope whatever you're doing and whoever you're doing it with; you're happy and it doesn't concerns me.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear what happened. Ups and downs, part and parcel of life. But glad that you're over it and getting better.

Cherish those memories that you have, regardless it's bad or good, cos it's still a part of u.

Cheers. :)

jiahun said...

yeah...nothing else helps me open much more doors to my life.. :)