I guess for this time of the year, the word "wow" is an understatement to describe how my birthday was celebrated. Let's see
1) I went out with Lam, Whye Kit, Yong Han, Chin Hoong on 3rd of February for movie n lunch at Secret Recipe which they got me a slice of cake. Bwahaha...that made my day honestly :)
2)On 4th, Theen Yoong, Chin fei, Calvin and Ken visited me at night. Thanks Chinfei for the dinner. :) They got me a shirt...which i have not taken the photograph yet. Truth to be told, again it's was a great gift. Thanks alot guyss!!!
3) 5th! Zi zi came back and he got me a Guitar tuner!!!!! unexpected but felt kinda guilty cuz i told him i wanted one(i was joking of course...) . Anyhow thanks and thanks again!
It has never occurred to me that celebrating birthdays with close friends and besties are of so much fun.
I'll always remember the stuffs that you guys gave me and the idea of celebrating it with me.