Thursday, April 16, 2009


For quite some time now, there is not one thing that ceases to amuse me except for one. One thing. No, it's not a thing. One scenario. Yes, that gives off more of a conditional feel to it. 

There is this one scenario in everyday's life that seems to be oblivious to people around themselves. I, for one have witness countless scenarios of such that it has seeped into my brain as how A is always associated with apple. 

It's about the relationship among individuals that supposed to be related but always seems to be separated by this one word, LOVE. For various reasons unknown to me, scenarios of such often happens in today's society. In short, my generation. 

In the beginning, I have often wondered; Why can't one person just love the other without reason? As often enough, most people equates love with reason. Why must you love your father? Because he pays the bill? Because he give you all the money you need? or because he raise you up unconditionally? 

As much as I despise such reasoning, I can't stop thinking the very same thing could be happening to me. Why do I love my mom? Why do I love my dad? Must I? 

The answer never came to me. As time passes, more and more of such similar scenario occured to me. Logic wise, equating one thing for another with reason is very much acceptable for today's mind. For example, like Newton's First law of motion, for every cause, there must be an effect. The reason being, the energy that causes the motion must be transfered to somewhere. In this case the 'somewhere' being the effect. Which can be anything from a broken vase, to a broken leg. 

For a moment in my life, I'd actually thought science does make sense after all. One could even apply science in religion. Don't you think the Newton law is conspicuously similar to what Buddhist believes as 'Karma'? Voila, problems solved. For every action you do to another, it will always come back to you. But this still doesn't explain why some prominent scientists are able to learn so much, but teach so much lesser back to the community. Apart from reaping the fruits of their labour. Selling their knowledge for money.

Coming back to my main story, yes; for a moment in my life I did thought that science can actually explain everything. But as i grew older, i realize that eventhough science can be applied to almost everything that is happening today, it fails in one most important but neglected issue. It is the most basic, primitive instinct that we, humans possess. EMOTION.

How can one explain why a child who loves their parents so much can be leaving them alone to celebrate Christmas every year? 

How can Einstein explain why a 75 years old grandpa who lived his whole life loving his wife, his daughter but choose to rape his 10 years old granddaughter? 

From that point onwards, things has never been clearer. There will never be a single answer for every question. Emotion is what one shows to another human being. Afflicted by both sides' emotion, there are 4 possible cause and effect now. It is entire impossible to explain that. 

There is a saying, ' If you love her, let her go'. Now how can science or basic emotion explain this? Logically if you want something, you will work your hardest to attain it. Furthermore, there is no need to explain about our basic emotion. Having to love someone is to only wish that their love is accepted and returned. And still, why is this happening? 

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