Thursday, July 2, 2009

I remembered one opening article of a book by Michael Connelly, "The Poet" which was by Stephen King, an author known for his supernatural and horror stories. There was a sentence that struck me deep, left a mark and stayed on till today.

"..if you want to be good at writing be it short story or a novel, just keep on writing.."

It did not reflects to me that Stephen King is good with words. Rather i was inspired by the fact that such amazing person was able to describe something that even the smartest psychologist in the world couldn't explain.

I used to see people telling other people how talent is a must have to be a writer. And that particular person will start telling the others how talent is a must to be a writer. Soon, the whole world will think so. Imagine that. The next thing we can see is the increasing number of people; again blaming the fact that they're not talented that they can't write a good piece.

1 comment:

Angel Ooh said...

so start writing more !!