Sunday, July 20, 2008

think twice?

There is just one thing about having a large pool of friends.

There's the gaming group, there's the talking group, there's the clubbing group and etc etc.

If you think i like to categorize my friends, i beg to differ.

While it remains a fact that we can't possibly please everyone,

i tried to.

So sometimes instead of using my own sweet time to relax and reenergize myself for the coming class; assignments; quizzes; test and projects of various sizes ;

i went out of my way and just spend time with precious friends.

But then again there are times when i'd loved to join them but just can't seem able to.

And then comes the ever-missed-sentences like and i quote, "Aww, come on..just one day..", "Everyone is expecting you...", "...but i'm just back for a couple of days/weeks etc etc...".

Those words pushes me closer to the edge of reason, nearly toppling over.

I know friends loved it when i'd make a compromise or when i tried to be understanding.

But has it ever happened the other way round?

So the next thing you know is, friendship turns sour.

Talks became arguments and so on..

*this entry has come to a point where i dont know how to continue.. hahaa...i'm just busy this time of the year. I hope you all will be more understanding :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Blue days and birthdays...

3 of my friends had their birthdays yesterday. I'd only manage to attend one of them. But that makes me think. It's weird how people these days celebrate birthdays with their friends instead of with their mothers. While your mom nurtured you in her belly for nine months and had the excruciating hours of labor just to bring you this world as perfect as you can be.

Now that we've grown up; we tend to ignore her.
Shout at her,
get irritated when she nags.

While her love is never-ending, our love towards them are momentary. We love her when she buys us things. We love her when she understand that we need money.

So tell me again why one should not celebrate their birthday with their mom? :)

No offence :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I was once told that rain is a symbolic thing to happen.

If it rains on a sunny day, something big is happening or bound to happen.

If it rains snow on June, it means someone innocent is judged for something he didn't do.

If its drizzling, the sky is feeling down.

If its thunderstorm, the act of god is being done.

If its raining cats and dogs,


it's just the MONSOON.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

1,2 and counting..

I think it's pretty fair to say that life is never easy in general. I mean, here we are in a balanced country with enough food and no war. Isn't that enough?

Maybe life is really easy. Since we spend much of its time making mistakes. There's a saying, "Making mistakes makes us human". That however is true to a certain extent. Avoidable mistakes however is never counted. Back to the story, i believe making mistakes will steer us to the right direction.

Remember when we first started walking.

Remember when we first started talking.

Remember when we first started loving.

Remember when we stopped caring.

Memories of mistakes will forever stay in our mind. I remember making mistakes and end up losing friends. I'm not proud of it. But nothing can be done if i keep looking back. Pray for the best and be strong as we take each step forward to the unknown.